Independence Day Celebration

 International Woman’s Day celebration

MHM Program


Drawing competitions at School level

25 Interactors are participated in Interact Leadership Forum at Belgaum

Installation of president secretary of Rotaract club of rcbs

Installation of president secretary of interact schools of rcbs

Tree Plantation Project

Stop using Tobacco and Stop crimes in the society.

On the Occasion of President Birthday, our Club members paid the fees of 12 poor Students of Balika Adarsh High School (Dated: 3rd Aug 2021)

6th Aug 2021 The Rotary Club of Belgaum South continuing its Flagship Project helped two patients to undergo Free Cataract Surgeries successfully. Dr Madhuri Dixit of Sri Eye Hospital conducted the Surgeries. Cost of each surgery is Rs 3000. Hearty Compliments to Rtn Prakash Badkundri for getting sponsorship for the Surgeries.

27th Aug 2021 Free Cataract Operations done in association with Dr Madhuri Dixit Eye Clinic

Ambulance Project
Rotary Club of Belgaum South Dist 3170
30th Aug 2021 Yet another Feather added in the cap of RCBS when Rotary Club of Belgaum South in association with Veerashaiva Samaja of North America, Dallas Chapter donated a well equipped Ambulance to Life Line Hospital Belgaum to transport Patients in need of Emergency Treatment. The vehicle handed over in a glittering ceremony on Monday 30th August in the august presence of DG Gaurish Dhond and Ann Pratima Dhond. Thanks to Dr Sanjeev Naik and Dr Shailendra Kulkarni of Life Line Hospital for accepting the Vehicle and supporting our Cause. Compliments to Nagaraj Nashi Ramesh Ramgurwadi President Ashok Naik Secretary Santosh Hattarki and all the Rotarians for the success of the project

30th Aug 2021 We hosted Revenue Dist Meet
We hosted Revenue Dist Meet on Grants and Annual Giving on Monday 30th Aug. 2021 at City Hall Bhagyanagar Belgaum . DG Gaurish Dhond inaugurated the function in presence of DGE Rtn Baban Deshpande, AG Rtn Vikram Jain, AG Rtn Prakash Mirji, AG Rtn Dinesh Kale & AG Rtn Bahubali Axi
1. PDG Rtn Avinash Potdar-
2. PDG RtnAnand Kulkarni
3. Dist Sec.Rtn Ajay Menon
4. DCC Rtn Ravi Shrupali
5. DCC Rtn Durgesh Haritye
All Bgm Revenue Dist club participated.

On 15th August 75th Independence Day Celebrated at Tilakwadi High School and With Rotractors


   Meeting Type :Regular    
  Date Description Attendance Attendance(%)
1 02-Aug-21 In Regular Meeting Club celebrated President Birthday 62 84.93
2 09-Aug-21 Close Door Meeting 47 64.38
3 16-Aug-21 Guest Speaker Dr Prakash Phadnis addressing on the topic Basic Life Support 47 64.38
4 23-Aug-21 On Our Regular Meeting PDG Rtn Anand Kulkarni talk on ” Know Your Organization and Orientation for New Members 51 69.86
   Meeting Type : Fellowship    
No. Date Description Attendance Attendance(%)
1 30-Aug-21 On our Dinner Meeting on 30th August we inducted 9New Members at the hands of DG Rtn Gaurish Dhond 62 84.93
   Meeting Type : BOD    
No. Date Description Attendance Attendance(%)
1 08-Aug-21 BOD meeting held on Sunday 8th August 2021 Host : Rtn Hemant Kamat 14 19.18



On 1st July 2021 We Organized Covid 19 Vaccination Camp

Venue:  Mahila Vidhyalay  High School , Total 316 People benefited
Number of Rotarian participated: 43

On 1st July 2021 Doctors Day and Chartered Accountant Day Celebrated.

6 Doctors felicitated Namely 1. Dr. Sanjeev Naik, 2. Dr. Ambrish Nerlikar,  Dr. Sanjeev Dumgol,  4. Dr. Bhushan Sutar, 5. Dr. Manjunath Goroshi, 6. Dr. Mrs. Rupali Shinde and 5 Chartered Accountant felicitated Namely 1. CA. Shivkumar Shahapurkar, 2. CA. N. G. Gadgil, 3. CA. Anthony D’souza, 4. CA. Sanjeev Adhyapak 5. CA. Gouri Naik and also we felicitated our  club  Member Doctor’s 1.Rtn. Dr.Alpesh Toprani  2. Dr. Mrs. Rupali Toprani  3. Dr. Mrs. Rajshree Misale 4. Rtn. Dr. Manoj Sutar 5. Dr. Mrs. Netra Sutar 6. Rtn. Dr. Satish Potdar 7. Rtn. Dr. Rajshee  Kulkarni  8. Dr.Mrs. Seema Achamani 9. CA.Rtn.  Shivanand Halbhavi  10. CA.Rtn. Ravidra Karadkar 11. CA. Rtn. Raj Bolmal at the hands of DGE Rtn. Venkatesh(Baban) Deshpande and Ann Sandhya Deshpande.


We felicitated our  club  Member Doctor’s and  Charterd Accountant’s  Day

PUBLICITY.  We got the Publicity from the various Print media and T.V Channels


On Friday  2nd  July 2021. Marriage Anniversary of Rtn. Amit & Ann Kshitija Lamji

President and Secretary visited there house and felicitated.

On the occasion of his marriage anniversary Rtn. Amit  Donated  100 USD as a TRF Contribution.


BOD Meeting No. 1    For the month of July      

Sunday 04th July 2021                              Time: 8.30 am

VENUE : Sheetal Raswanti Gruha, Congress Road, Tilakwadi, Belagavi.

Host: Rtn. Govind Misale


  1. Welcome by the President
  2. Attendance of BOD Members
  3. Reading & Confirmation of earlier Joint BOD minutes.
  4. Matter arising out of last Joint BOD minutes
  5. Report by Treasurer & Passing of Bills
  6. New Members Proposal
  7. Planning & Discussion of Installation Ceremony
  8. July Months Projects
  9. Yearly Program Planning
  10. TRF Grant Activities
  11. Cateract Operations
  12. Amendment of club By-Laws
  13. Any other subject with the permission of the Chair
  14. Vote of Thanks by Secretary
  15. Meeting Adjourned.

Note: Rtn. Vijay Daragshetty and Rtn. Nilesh Patil has invited as a guest for the 1st BOD


Meeting No. 1                                              Monday 05th July 2021                          Time: 7.45pm

VENUE : Virtual Meeting 


  1. Collaring the President by Srg@Arms Rtn. Vinay Behare
  2. Meeting Called to Order by President Rtn. Ashok Naik
  3. Silent Invocation.
  4. Four Way Test Recital by Rtn. Uday Joshi
  5. Welcome the Gathering by President Rtn. Ashok Naik
  6. Welcome the Asst. Governor Rtn. Vikram Jain by President Rtn. Ashok Naik
  7. Welcome the Prospective Members by President Rtn. Ashok Naik
  8. Review of the last week activities
  9. Meeting handover to AG
  10. Club Assembly
  11. Birthday & Wedding Anniversary Wishes
  12. Vote of thanks
  13. Secretarial Announcement
  14. Meeting Adjourned.

Total Attendance  70%


Weekly Meeting No.  2                             Monday 12th July 2021                          Time: 7.45pm

VENUE : Virtual Meeting 


  1. Collaring the President by Srg@Arms Rtn. Vinay Behare
  2. Meeting Called to Order by President Rtn. Ashok Naik
  3. Silent Invocation.
  4. Four Way Test Recital by Rtn. Ravi Karlingnavar
  5. Welcome the Gathering by President Rtn. Ashok Naik
  6. Welcome the Prospective Members by President Rtn. Ashok Naik
  7. Review of the last week activities
  8. Read and Conform the minutes of the 1st BOD
  9. Birthday & Wedding Anniversary Wishes
  10. Secretarial Announcement
  11. National Anthem
  12. Meeting Adjourned.

Total Attendance  72%

On Friday  16th July 2021. Tree Plantation program done at VBSS High School at Village Atwad.

Total 100 plantation done. Approx. cost Rs. 8000/-

Total Number of Rotarians  present : 13.

PUBLICITY : News reflected on Marathi News Paper

On Sunday  18th July 2021. Installation Ceremony

Our team for the year 2021-22

On Sunday 18th July 2021. Installation Ceremony was held at the hands of PDG Rtn. Avinash Potdar at Hotel Sentorini.

Release of monthly Bulletin (South Breeze)


Filicipation of PDG Rtn. Anand Kulakani who has been selected as ARRFC (Assistant Rotary Regional Foundation Chair) 2021-22 (Dist. 3170 and 3190 ) Zone VII, India at the hands of PDG Rtn. Avinash Potdar.

Filicipation of DGE Rtn. Vekatesh (Baban) Deshpande who has been selected as District Governor of Dist. 3170 for the year 2022-23, at the hands of PDG Rtn. Avinash Potdar.

Filicipation of PP Rtn. Chaitanya Kulkarni Elected as Karnataka State President of CREDAI, at the hands of PDG Rtn. Avinash Potdar

Filicipation of Ann. Ratna Behere who has been selected as District Chairman for the Inner Wheel District 317 for the year 2021-22, at the hands of Rtn. Dr Sandhya Deshpande

Paper Publication:

On Wednesday 21th July 2021. Marriage Anniversary of Rtn. Sanjay & Ann Manjushree Magdum. President and Secretary visited there house and felicitated.

On the occasion of his marriage anniversary Rtn. Sanjay Donated Rs. 5000/- as a TRF Contribution.

On Saturday  24th July 2021. Our Dist. Governor  Rtn. Gaurish Dhond celebrated his 60th Birthday. On that day 12 Rotarians from our club Namely 1. Rtn. Hemant Kamat, 2. Rtn. Satish Kulkarni, 3. Rtn. Chaitanya Kulkarni, 4. Rtn. Raj Bolmal, 5. Rtn. Jaysimha Belgal,  6. Rtn. Baban Deshpande, 7. Rtn. Anand Kulkarni, 8. Rtn. Sanjeev Naik, 9. Rtn. Ashok Naik,      10. Rtn. Santosh Hattarki  donated 60 USD dollar to TRF.


Weekly Meeting No. 4                              Monday 26th July 2021                          Time: 7.45pm

VENUE : Virtual Meeting 


It was a wonderful experience for us. Excellent and thrilling speech by our guest speaker Major Gen. K. N. Mirji, Col. Syam Sundar & Capt. Naveen Nagappa.

Meeting No. 4                                              Monday 26th July 2021                          Time: 7.30 pm
Sub : Celebrating of Kargil Vijaysthov Day
Guest Speaker:  Major Gen. K. N. Mirji
Col. Shyam Sundar                        Capt. Naveen Nagappa

  1. Collaring the President by Srg@Arms Rtn.
  2. Meeting Called to Order by President Rtn. Ashok Naik
  3. Silent Invocation.
  4. Four Way Test Recital by Rtn.
  5. Welcome the Gathering by President Rtn. Ashok Naik
  6. Welcome the Prospective Members by President Rtn. Ashok Naik
  7. Purpose of the meeting by: Major Gen. K. N. Mirji
  8. Introduction of Todays Guest Speaker Shyam Vijaysimha  by : Rtn. Jaysimha
  9. Speech by Shyam Vijaysimha

Topic : Operations in Batalk Sector

  1. Introduction of Todays Guest Speaker Naveen Nagappa by : Rtn. Jaysimha
  2. Speech by Naveen Nagappa

Topic : Capture of Point  4875 in Drass Sub Sector

  1. Birthday & Wedding Anniversary Wishes
  2. Vote of thanks by: Rtn. Satish Kulkarni
  3. Secretarial Announcement
  4. National Anthem
  5. Meeting Adjourned.

 Total Attendance  78%

Power point Presentation of Kargil by Speaker Capt. Naveen Nagappa.

Power point Presentation of Kargil by Speaker Col. Shyam Vijaysimha.

On Friday  30th July 2021. It is a respect an honor to our club President. On the occasion of our club president birthday, PP Rtn. Jaysimha donated Rs. 2500/- and Rtn. Sangram Patil donated Rs. 5000/- to TRF Contribution, and PDG Rtn. Anand Kulkarni donated Rs. 3500/-. Special thanks to them.


On Friday  30th July 2021. Two Cataract Operations done at Dr. Madhuri Dixit Clinic at College Road Belgaum.
Meeting No. 1                                              Sunday 04th July 2021                            Time: 8.30 am
VENUE : Sheetal Raswanti Gruha, Congress Road, Tilakwadi, Belagavi.
Host: Rtn. Govind Misale
Attendance for the month of July 2021.

Weekly Meeting No. 1 Monday  5th July 2021 Close Door 70%
Weekly Meeting No. 2 Monday 12th july 2021 Club Assembly 72%
Weekly Meeting No. 3 Sunday  18th July 2021 Installation Ceremony 95%
Weekly Meeting No. 4 Monday 26th July 2021 Kargil Day Celebration
Guest Speaker